0% Pool Fee!
Experience Zero Fees with 9kpool – Mine Together, Profit Together!

Mining Pools

Coin Algorithm Miners Pool Hashrate Fee Network Hashrate Network Difficulty
9kpool news and updates
KASPA Pool Fee to 0%! Changing the Kaspa Pool fee to 0%! Happy mining!
13th of July 2024
Started work on multiple pools Working on adding support for ETH Classic, Ergo, Ravencoin and more.
10th of July 2024
Pyrin Pool Working on adding a Pyrin Pool
29th of June 2024
Added Radiant Radiant pool was added to 9kpool
21st of June 2024
9kpool Goes Live Hello World and Welcome to 9kpool!
4 June 2024

9kpool Server Locations Our Server Locations

Extremely profitable mining pool for GPUs and ASICs with regular payments, reliable servers and a rig monitoring bot.